City-wide club promises big role in historic election to fill vacant City Council seat
(Queens, NY) – On July 6, 2015, the Muslim Democratic Club of New York (MDCNY) voted to endorse Queens-based attorney and organizer Ali Najmi in his campaign to fill the vacant seat in City Council District 23. Najmi, a well-known activist and leader in Eastern Queens, received unanimous support in a vote held at the club’s membership meeting on Monday evening.
“Our communities deserve leaders who will fight for every single New Yorker and have the vision and passion to move our city forward. Ali Najmi exemplifies these qualities and we are thrilled to endorse him for New York City Council,” said Murad Awawdeh, president of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York. “MDCNY members are very active in neighborhoods in Eastern Queens and are eager to jump into the democratic fray, particularly when we have an opportunity to help elect someone like Ali Najmi. We know this district has a huge Muslim population and we can’t wait to hit the doors and seize this historic opportunity by sending Ali Najmi to the New York City Council.”
If elected, Najmi would become the first New Yorker of South Asian origin to serve in the City Council.
“I am honored to earn the endorsement of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York, a club that embodies the values of inclusiveness and advancement for all people,” said Ali Najmi. “Our campaign’s progressive message and focus on uniting communities in Eastern Queens continues to resonate. Every day that I serve in the City Council will be a day that I fight for better schools, safer streets, and stronger communities in Eastern Queens.”
“I’ve been a life-long resident of Eastern Queens,” said MDCNY member Toufique Uddin. “I know Ali will be a great leader for our community and I was glad to vote for MDCNY to endorse him. My friends and family in the community are all geared up to mobilize the vote for Ali Najmi.”
Najmi’s campaign has been picking up support at a crisp pace. Last week, he was endorsed by the Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL). He has also been endorsed by progressive stars including Zephyr Teachout and by the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club.
Born and raised in Eastern Queens, Ali Najmi is a successful criminal defense and civil rights attorney. Najmi served as Legislative Director for New York City Council Member Mark Weprin, whose seat became open after Weprin resigned earlier this year. He is past president of the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club and a member of the NAACP.
The Muslim Democratic Club of New York (MDCNY) is a city-wide organization dedicated to increasing the civic empowerment of Muslim New Yorkers and advancing progressive policies in the Democratic Party
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